Posts tagged with: Grief

Grief in Times of Corona

Most often grief is defined as loss of a loved one, and understandably so. When we lose a loved one, we not only lose the person, we lose our plans for our lives together. Our need or expectations for them to be a part of our life is suddenly partnered...

Something to Cry About

L​ilith lost her favorite stuffy, Snuggles, yesterday.  W​e went to the beach, and she wanted to take her. I should have said no or at least made her put Snuggles in the boot of the bike, but she wanted to hold her. Somewhere along the way, Snuggles was dropped. As...

Lilith Ember

T​oday it rained. And I prayed and cried and sweat and twisted from my body all the stagnant pieces of a story I hold precious. It’s a childs story. My child. The story of her making and highlights from each year of her life.  It’s a bit comical, now after...

Loss and Liberation

I started this blog without giving much thought to the URL. ‘Loss and Liberation’ felt right, so I went with it. It’s my mode of operation. I go with my gut. The original intention here was to process and NORMALIZE grief. I’ve been so saddened to learn how typical it...

Pineapple-Upside Down Cake

Hands down my favorite dessert of childhood. Every year for my half-birthday, my mom would make me one. She’s adorable like that. She would sing ‘Happy Half-Birthday’ and gift me a little trinket. Now, I do the same for my daughter. If you ask her, “When is your birthday?”, she...

