
About Me

Guiding you through grief and loss

Grief and loss take many forms. One of the most significant traumas that anyone can ever experience is the death of a loved one. Yet grieving and loss may also accompany the loss of a job, a cherished relationship or friendship, the death of a pet, or a life-altering event such as injury, fertility issues or menopause, illness, and moving house or even countries.

Grief and loss are deeply personal experiences that may be felt and expressed in different ways. In grief, it is common to feel completely alone, and that no-one can understand the depth of your pain.  You might prefer solitude as you deal with your loss, or crave the company and support of your friends and family. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. However grief affects you, counselling is a safe and supportive way to effectively process your grief, come to terms with your loss, and find ways to cope in drastically changed life circumstances.

Hi, I’m Lacye Winkelpleck

I am a writer, storyteller, shadow worker, yogi, and integrative grief support specialist. I came to this work through my own messy collision with grief.

In May 2018, I came home from a week of travel with my daughter to find my daughters father, my partner and husband, had died of an accidental overdose. With his death, everything shifted. I was suddenly aware of whole new dimensions of being. Grief and it’s varied spectra. Single-parenting a gifted and grieving child… whilst navigating the social, familial, and financial losses that all too often accompany death.

Recent Blogs



December 30, 2018

Especially right now

I haven’t written in a while. To be honest, I haven’t written much in the...
December 4, 2018

9 days

We leave in 9 days. Exactly 6 moons after he died. I’m sitting with a...
October 23, 2018